Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

photo found here

I hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's day today! Mine was good, even though it was one of those too frequent days where everything was better in my head then in actuality. We had a leprechaun visit our home and turn the milk green and leave some fun treasures hidden around our house. I had hoped the leprechaun would leave little green footprints...but I guess this was a clean leprechaun!
Today marked the beginning of Mr. Wonderful's spring he still has to work, but no school for the rest of the week! The weather was BEAUTIFUL today, so we went to the park...I wished I had planned to have a picnic!
I had planned to have made Green Shamrock Rolls (my own little twist on this recipe) for breakfast with our green milk, but didn't have time beforehand so instead we had Lucky Charms which was just as fun and ate Green Shamrock Rolls as a snack later in the day.
I had planned to have Shamrock Sandwiches with Pot of Gold Soup and green kool-aid, and Clover Crispies for dessert...but since all the stores were sold out of shamrock cookie cutters by the time I was able to look for one, there weren't any shamrocks or clovers involved, but we still ate them anyway. :)
We also watched The Gnome Mobile, which is a fun St. Patrick's Day movie...although my very favorite is Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
I had also planned to make my Little Honey a new green shirt...but with a husband gone most of the day and no time to myself, it's pretty hard to get things done. So that didn't happen either. It's cut out at least...that's the hardest part!
Despite a couple disappointments, it was a fun day. How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

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