Friday, December 18, 2009

One week!

I can't believe there is only one WEEK until Christmas!! Where did the time go? Aah! There are so many things I have wanted to do that just will not get done until another time. Here are a couple of recipes that I would love to make but probably won' t be made until sometime after Christmas, but maybe you will have time to try them!

For the delicious cookies above, go here. Thank you Pioneer Woman!

For an English Toffee recipe that looks very easy but very yummy...

English Toffee
1 cup sugar
1/2 lb (2 cubes) butter or margarine
2 T. water
1/2 bag milk chocolate chips or 5 Hershey bars
finely chopped walnuts, optional

Cook sugar, butter, and water over medium-high heat stirring constantly until golden brown (this happens very quickly so keep your eye on it). If butter separates just keep going, it will go back together. Part butter and part margarine separates less than all butter. Pour quickly onto an ungreased cookie sheet. While hot, sprinkle chocolate on top of candy. Wait a minute or two for the chocolate to soften then spread evenly with a knife. Top with nuts, if desired. When cool break into small pieces and eat like crazy!

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